Owen MacDonald grew up in Cantwell, Alaska, a small settlement outside of Denali National Park with a population of 200. He spent his childhood playing ice hockey, adventuring outdoors, and learning what life looks like in a remote village. Owen first discovered his passion for music while singing in his tiny K-12 school’s choir class. At age 13, Owen started writing his own songs, using music as an outlet to cope with his parents divorce and feelings of isolation. He moved to Minnesota to pursue hockey and completed high school with dreams of playing in the NHL. Eventually, he began to question if hockey was his true calling as his love for music re-emerged, stronger than before. He converted an old chicken coop in the back yard of his father’s property into a small studio and taught himself how to play guitar and record demos.
Owen’s deeply introspective lyrics connect with fans from all walks of life. Eager to tell his story and eager to find his footing, Owen’s writing illuminates universal senses of loneliness, self-doubt, aimlessness, and hope. Blending his unique vulnerabilities with folk/pop/country sensibilities and infectious melodies, Owen’s initial demos have already been featured on Apple Music’s “Country Hits Unplugged” (US), “New in Country” and “Country Risers” (Canada) playlists. He’s currently working on a new project and can’t wait to share it with the world.